
Pest Blog Post

Cypress Mosquito Treatment Special

$70 plus tax

Mosquito Control Treatment Special

Valid from April 5 thru May 5, 2022.

We can help protect your yard from pesky mosquitos so you can enjoy your outside spaces and not get eaten alive by mosquitos this summer. 

* Offer valid for homes up to 2800 sq. ft.. 
*Cannot be combined with any other specials or offers.  

4 Tips to Help Prevent Ants in
Your Home and Yard

Ants, though pesky, are usually not too harmful in your home and yard. However, they can be irritating and even dangerous if they’re coming into your living space and feasting on your food and other household items. To keep ants at bay, follow these 4 tips to help prevent ants in your home and yard.

1) Get Rid of Clutter

The first step to help prevent ants in your home and yard is to get rid of clutter and trash, which will make the areas more attractive to the insects. Ant infestations can happen even if you don’t have ant hills, so be sure to keep an eye out for them in all potential hiding spots. If ants are found, use a vacuum cleaner or other device to remove them from the premises. If possible, try to locate where they’re coming from and seal off any entry points with caulking or another type of sealant. Ant control methods include killing ants that enter homes with insecticides as well as preventing ants from entering by filling holes with silicone caulk or something similar. For severe ant problems it may be necessary to call a professional exterminator who specializes in ant control services.

2) Don’t leave food around

Ant infestations are not only hard to clean up, but they can also cause an itchy ant bite. Thankfully, there are some ways you can prevent ants in your home or yard before the problem gets out of hand. Make sure all food items like sugary drinks or candy bars are put away in tightly sealed containers after every use

3) Make sure there is no water where they can live

Make sure you don’t have standing water in order to prevent ants in your home. Ants need water to survive, so you’ll want to make sure there’s no puddles or water where they can live. If you do have a dish that collects water, make sure it’s not out in the open where animals can get into it. If possible, try to bring your dish inside if it is still attracting ants even when your pets aren’t using it anymore!

4) Keep an eye out for signs

The following are signs of ant infestation in your home or yard: ants on window sills, door sills, walls, or the ground. Ants swarming the edge of a floor. Dirt piles under window sills where they can’t be seen or by sinks with trash piles. Burrows in garden soil that may house ant colonies. Ant bites on skin surfaces (if no other cause is apparent).

Here at All N1 Pest Control Management we have decades of experience in dealing with all sorts of pests. No matter if its mosquitos, termites, ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, or stinging insects; we will help you get rid of them. Our pest control management will create a plan specifically for your home in order to ensure that the pests are gone for good.

Give us a call today so that we can help you take back your home!

No matter what Pest you are battling we can help!

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