Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

Bugs in Bed

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

If you’re considering sleeping on an infested mattress, don’t! That’s one of the first pieces of advice from professionals to anyone dealing with bed bugs. These pests are nocturnal and feed on human blood, so they’re much more active and visible at night, which makes them harder to get rid of.

In the morning, when bed bugs are hiding in your mattress again, you won’t even notice their bites until it’s too late! Here’s everything you need to know about bed bugs—and how to keep them away from your home.

What are bed bugs? And What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed exclusively on blood. These wingless pests can hide in tiny spaces, but they usually nest near where people sleep. Bed bugs are most active at night, but during the day they usually hide in cracks and crevices in furniture, floors, bed frames and walls. A bed bug infestation is a major problem because it’s hard to eliminate an infestation once it has spread.


How do you get them?

Bed bugs are spread from person to person, or from their environment into yours. They’re typically found in places where people sleep or spend a lot of time, like apartments, hotels, and college dormitories. Some people may get bed bugs in their homes by bringing in used furniture that’s infected with them. And some people get bed bugs from public transit systems, such as buses and trains. The pests can also travel between floors in multi-unit buildings if there is an infestation present on one floor.

How do you get rid of bed bugs?

Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of, especially when you’re not sure where they are hiding. The key is finding their hiding spots and getting rid of them before they get a chance to come back. For example, you may have bed bugs in your mattress or box spring.  around the house to kill any existing bed bugs that may have traveled from your bedroom into other parts of your home.

How do you prevent bed bugs?

There are a few ways you can prevent bed bugs from invading your home. First, seal cracks and crevices where bed bugs can hide. Next, discard clutter which could provide bed bugs with shelter. Finally, clean up after yourself and never bring used furniture into your home.

Click here to read Commonly Asked Questions about Bed Bugs 

Read 10 Essential Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling

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