Pest Blog Post

$70 plus tax
Mosquito Control Treatment Special
Valid from April 5 thru May 5, 2022.
We can help protect your yard from pesky mosquitos so you can enjoy your outside spaces and not get eaten alive by mosquitos this summer.
* Offer valid for homes up to 2800 sq. ft..
*Cannot be combined with any other specials or offers.
Insects and Monkeypox: What You Need to Know
If you live in the United States, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about monkeypox in the news lately—especially if you’re part of the small number of people who have contracted the illness since its reemergence recently.
What is Monkeypox?
Like many other diseases, monkeypox can be found in insects. A person might get monkeypox from handling an insect or item that has monkeypox on it. Symptoms of insect-borne illnesses are commonly similar to flu symptoms including fever, headache, weakness, aches and pains, chills, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. The incubation period for most illnesses is 1–3 days but might be up to 6 days with more serious infections such as plague or typhoid.

Can Mosquitoes be a potential carrier of Monkeypox?
Although there is no scientific evidence of mosquitoes as a potential vector. The symptoms of mosquito bites look much like other insect bites, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So even if you don’t think you have monkeypox, seeing a doctor can help eliminate any doubts. If you know that you have been bitten by a mosquito, visit your doctor immediately.
Can Ticks be a potential carrier of Monkeypox?
Any creature that can pass disease from one organism to another is considered a vector, but ticks are particularly effective at passing along primate poxviruses. Ticks are vectors of multiple illnesses in humans; according to Columbia University’s Center for Infection and Immunity, some of these include:
The CDC reports that tick-borne diseases have increased dramatically over recent years—and it’s believed that climate change may be contributing to their spread. So if you live in an area where ticks are prevalent, it might be worth your while to familiarize yourself with symptoms of tick-borne illness so you can seek treatment as soon as possible if you contract something like monkeypox or Lyme disease.

Can Bedbugs, Mites, and Fleas be a potential carrier of Monkeypox?
While there is no evidence that bedbugs can transmit monkeypox, they are a common vector for other diseases. Bedbugs transmit chagas disease, which affects 7 million people in Latin America. They also carry pathogens that cause plague (mostly deadly when transmitted through fleabites) and typhus (which can be spread through bites or by contact with infected animals). In addition, bedbugs can serve as an incubator for parasitic mites.
Keep in mind that pest control is an important tool in helping prevent monkeypox, as well as other diseases carried by insects. Be sure to take every precaution you can when traveling (especially if you’re going out of state), but be sure that your home or business has a pest-control plan in place.