5 Ways to Winterize Your Home Against Pests

5 Ways to Winterize Your Home Against Pests

Most people know the importance of winterizing your home to protect it from the elements, but did you know that pests like mice, rats, and bugs can also do serious damage to your home’s structure if they aren’t kept at bay? To make sure your home stays pest-free all year round, consider implementing these five ways to winterize your home against pests in the fall.
Don’t Let the Roaches Run Your Home – Pest Control Tips to Keep Them Out

Don’t Let the Roaches Run Your Home – Pest Control Tips to Keep Them Out

You may not know it, but roaches are one of the leading causes of disease in America. These pests carry bacteria on their bodies and in their droppings, which can lead to food poisoning and even more serious illnesses if not taken care of immediately by pest control companies. Because they can fit through spaces as small as 1/16 of an inch, roaches can get into your home and make themselves at home without you even noticing!
Pest Control

What is a pest?

Well, it depends on who you ask. The definition of pest varies when you look at the different types of pests out there. However we think we can all agree with the merriam-webster definition: ‘one that pesters or annoys : NUISANCE’.